Thanks for the MIMories: 2018 Multilateral Initiative on Malaria

News article 20 Apr 2018

The 2018 Multilateral Inititaive on Malaria  conference marked a significant step forward for ETCH as the official launch of ResistanceSim and Resistance101. Delegates from across the health system spectrum visited the ETCH exhibit to learn more about our games and discuss training offers in insecticide resistance management currently in development. Joining the two gaming tools was the DDMS+, showcasing the new and powerful interactive GIS dashboard and DHIS2 integration wizard. 

It was a week full of inspiring conversations, presentations, posters and of course some serious gaming.


Our Resistance101 competition winner, Iitula from Namibia. ETCH would like to give a huge thank you to everyone that downloaded Resistance101 and entered the competition, especially to the devoted delegates that completed the game!

Resitance101 competition winner

ETCH would also like to extend thanks to the supportive and friendly staff at the conference centre. From helping us dismantle our stand to seeking out cups of coffee for our exhibitors, you made the whole experience an absolute pleasure.