Vector control programmes face an ever-increasing threat from insecticide resistance. It is therefore imperative that the people working within vector control have comprehensive knowledge of insecticide resistance to be able to assess and understand the complexities of insecticide resistance management. Resistance101 was developed through the DMC-MalVec project to provide vector control staff with a simple and comprehensive tool for learning the basics of insecticide resistance to support them in their development of insecticide resistance management strategies.
- Develop a digital game to allow users to learn the basics of insecticide resistance and its impact on vector control
- Assess the feasibility (demand and acceptability) of the digital game in sub-Saharan Africa
Project Activities
The Resistance101 project evolved as an independent project during the development of the insecticide resistance management simulation game, ResistanceSim. Consultations with insecticide resistance experts and initial ResistanceSim game testing identified a need for a precursor to ResistanceSim that would provide vector control programme staff with a solid foundational understanding of the biology of insecticide resistance.
Resistance101 is being evaluated as both a stand-alone learning tool and within an insecticide resistance management course that uses Resistance101 and ResistanceSIM as complementary tools.
Initial game testing of playability for Resistance101 was conducted amongst vector control staff based in the UK.
Resistance101 is being evaluated within a course context in several different locations including Ethiopia, Zambia, and the United Kingdom. Game testers have included programme staff, academics, and students within the field of vector control.
Project Outputs
Next Steps
Resistance101 will be integrated into an acredited gaming enhanced insecticide resistance management course currently in development. Please contact etch@lstmed.ac.uk to learn more about this exciting project.
Educational videos from the game will be made available for free via Youtube.
Partners and Collaborators
Resistance101 was produced by Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Extra Mile Studios.
Resistance101 is a part of the DMC-MALVEC Project. Game design ideas were contributed by partner organizations IVCC and Foundation for research and Technology Hellas. Game evaluations were conducted in partnership with Jimma University & the Zambia Ministry of Health.
Resistance101 has been funded by the European Commission through the DMC-MalVec Consortium and supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through IVCC.